Adult Christian Education Classes at Bramalea Baptist Church are for learning, growth and development.  The goal is to build into lives a strong Christian foundation, catalyze spiritual growth, and equip people for ministry through quality instruction.  The foundation of our adult Christian Education program is the 4 part Intentional Discipleship Track.  The balanced life of a disciple will based on 4 mandates taken from the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,20). 

Everyone at BBC is encouraged to take all the courses in our Intentional Discipleship Track which are offered regularly.

Other Learning Opportunities

We also offer other courses designed for adult learning, growth, and development.  Our goals are:  

  • To encourage dependence on God in prayer, worship and obedience to the Holy Bible.
  • To develop followers of Jesus who will cultivate authentic relationships across our diverse community and reach into the world by multiplying followers of Jesus Christ.
  • To equip God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ would be built up to maturity in Christ (Eph 4:11-13)
  • To train spirit-led servant leaders who can be released to plant new churches across the street and around the world.
To register for a course please fill out a registration form or contact the church office at 905-451-6088.