Growth Group Questions
Looking Back
1. What teaching from the last sermon and group discussion applies to your life today?
Explore and Discuss
2. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, what possible religious reasons prompted the Priest and Levite to pass the other way, instead of heling the man in need?
3. What is the significance of the Samaritan being the one to offer neighborly love? Why a Samaritan?
4. What was the reason the expert of the Law decided to test Jesus regarding God’s Laws (v.29)? What does this mean and how does it relate to your own life?
5. What did Pastor Nestor mean when he said “love is relational”?
6. What did Pastor Nestor mean when he said “love is intentional”?
7. When Pastor Nestor said “Christian love is sacrificial,” how is that different from other types of love in the world? Share with the Group a time when you another person showed sacrificial love toward you, or you toward them.