Our Intentional Discipleship Track classes now come to you with a new schedule. Our four Discipleship Track courses are distributed across five semesters in sets of twos 101 and 301, 201 and 401. Everyone at BBC is encouraged to take ALL the courses in our Discipleship Track. Have you missed any of these courses in the past years? No worries you can sign up for these courses now.
Now offering...
101 – Membership: Are you looking for a Church to make it your home Church? Are you searching for a community of believers where you can experience holistic growth? Then check us out. Enroll yourself in this course starting Sunday, April 10th @ 9:15 am. Join us to learn about salvation, baptism, communion, membership at BBC, statement of faith, and vision of BBC.
Are you exploring a place of worship where you will belong? Are you searching for a community of believers where you can experience holistic growth? Then come investigate all our church has to offer.
If you want to get baptized at BBC or become a member then please sign up for this course.
This course is offered in-person now in Room # 1.
Dates: April 10–May 8, 2022
To sign up for this course, please fill in the form below. You may also contact the Church office.