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About Our Ministry

Knightsbridge and Lisa are our neighboring communities. We practice radical love and invitation through our food distribution and community outreach programs to build relationships and share God's love. This is through our:

  • Monthly Grocery Giveaway
  • Annual Bike Giveaway
  • Annual Backpack Giveaway
  • and many more outreach events!
Food Drive List
Drop off every Sunday or at our church office Tue-Fri from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

We give away groceries each month to those in need! Help us bless others by donating the items below. We have Food Bins in the church where you can drop off your donations every Sunday, or at our church office Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Download List
Serve With Us!

There are many ways you can serve with our ministries! Fill out the forms below and see how God can use you. Please select Love Knightsbridge/Lisa if you would like to serve in this ministry



Serve Form