BBC offers a number of classes, services and support groups for hurting people.  For more information please check out the services below or contact Shirley Thomas our Care Ministries Pastor.

Stephen Ministry

We are all broken people and it is only through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. Stephen Ministry is a distinctively Christian Care giving Ministry where clergy and laity work together to provide quality one to one care to meet the needs of hurting people, especially those who are going through a crisis in their lives.

Find out more

The Circle of Care Committee oversees and monitors not only service provided here on site but also in affiliation with other community christian counsellors, who are also available to us considering their unique specialties.

There is a fee for the counselling service; from $80 (students psychotherapist in training) to $300 (psychologist) a session, with payment geared to the ability of the client to pay.  (The church considers personal need and provides a sliding scale to ensure this caring ministry is available as required).

Our purpose is to enable the hurting individual to discover helpful coping mechanisms.  Also to cultivate healthy relationships in the family, the workplace and community; through developing new insights and godly responses to life's challenges. 

Biblical Counselling is available.  This service is available to clients who seek biblical counselling and includes all socio-economic levels. A call to Pastor Shirley Thomas at the church  (905) 451-6088 ext. 227,   will initiate connecting with the pastor herself or a referral process to other Biblical Counsellors ($120). 

Naomi Carpenter

Ph.D., C. Psych. Clinical Psychologist offering services to adults and couples. Her clinical interests include individual therapy for individuals suffering with symptoms of depression, anxiety, childhood trauma, life stress and relational distress

Hospitality - Kitchen Ministry

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me......Then the righteous will answer him, Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you? or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in? or needing clothes and clothe you?  The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Mathew 25:35-38

For more information about our hospitality ministry please fill out the registration form below and we will be in touch, or contact the church office at (905) 451-6088 ext. 227 and speak to Pastor Shirley Thomas.

Contact Pastor Shirley Hospitality Form
Visitation Ministry

"When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply,'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.'"- Matthew 25:39,40

Hospital visitation is a great opportunity to minister to people who find themselves in need of family, friends, church family and their faith.  Those who are called to minister in hospital settings and to those who are sick will discover that a visit, a scripture, a touch, a spoken word or prayer will bring so much hope and comfort.

Through your compassion and obedience to the Lord you can be a channel through whom God can bring healing and change to those who are sick and hurting.

Grief Care

Healing your heart through grief resolution using the Edu-Therapy Process.

Grief and conflicting emotions caused by loss are cumulative and most often have a cumulatively negative effect on our ability to participate in life.

The primary goal of Edu-Therapy is to give people a solution to the pain, and focus on a solution-oriented process to rediscover their ability to fully experience their lives. It effectively eliminates the griever's sense of isolation, by actively engaging them in emotionally helpful and liberating exercises.

The Edu-Therapy is a combination of educational/treatment components within eight modules, achieved in eight to ten sessions. Participants both in individual and group settings are actively engaged in the process.

It is our mission to provide the most effective tools for dealing with conflicting emotions caused by loss of any kind. 

Please contact Pastor Shirley (Certified Edu-Therapy Specialist) @ 905-451-6088 for an appointment.

Email Pastor Shirley
Coping with Bereavement

Stay tuned!  We are starting another session of Coping with Bereavement  in the spring of 2025. 

Email Pastor Shirley Email TP Vualnam
Widowed Life

“I made the widowed heart sing for joy – Job 29:13”

We as a church have launched a new ministry called Widowed Life. This ministry will be event driven and our purpose is to make the widowed heart sing for joy again.

Yvonne Fraser is our ministry leader and can be contacted by email:

Email Pastor Shirley Email TP Vualnam
Prayer Needs or Death of a Loved One?

The church office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.  In case of an emergency such as the death of a loved one during weekends, contact Pastor Shirley directly through e-mail.  Please provide contact information for Pastor Shirley to contact you by telephone.

If a funeral service needs to be discussed or arranged contact Pastor Shirley.

Please contact the church office directly by calling 905-451-6088 and speaking directly to Julie Cromie, Care Ministry assistant, speak to Pastor Shirley Thomas at ext: 227 or send us an email.

Email Pastor Shirley Thomas Email TP Vualnam