Our Spring Member’s Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 27 @ 1:00 pm, following the worship service. At this meeting, we will hear reports from our Lead Pastor, Elders Chair and Board of Directors chair, the budget for the 2020/21 ministry year will be presented and voted upon by the members, and the slate of nominees for both the Elders and the Board of Directors will be presented to be affirmed by the membership.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will not be able to gather at the church building for our meeting. Instead, we will hold the meeting online via Zoom. For those of you who may be unaware, Zoom is a video conferencing platform that will allow us to gather together online from our homes. You can join the meeting at the appropriate time by clicking on this link. The password is 1234.
Anyone who attends BBC is welcome to join the meeting. Members are particularly encouraged to attend as you will be voting on the budget and affirming the new Elders and Directors. Only members are allowed to vote. As we will be voting using the polling available on Zoom, we encourage members to join on individual devices (such as a smart phone, tablet or computer) as only one vote can be cast per device. All documents pertaining to the meeting are posted under downloads. You can download and print the documents, download them to your computer, or simply review them on the website. Please do take time to review these documents carefully prior to the meeting.
If you have any specific questions that you would like addressed at the meeting, please send them to me at ptimney@bramalea.org, no later than Friday, June 18, 2020. Should you have any questions that arise during or after the meeting, please forward those question to me at ptimney@bramalea.org, and I will forward the questions to the appropriate people to have them addressed for you.