Walking with Christ as a single person is meant to be refreshing and empowering. These aren’t always the terms we might think of for single life, but the Bible teaches that singleness is a gift from God (1 Corinthians 7:7) and that this stage of your life can actually be one of the most exciting and productive in your walk with Him.
Over 6 weeks we’ll be focusing on the blessedness of single life and challenge some of the common myths (and our own assumptions) regarding singleness and what married life might mean for us. We’ll also learn practically how to live fully and complete in Christ now. At the core of each session is a video presentation featuring Dr. Tony Evans whose straightforward teaching will provide insights into biblical principles as well as assurance that God has a powerful purpose for each and every kingdom single.
Register by filling out the form below. This study will take place online via Zoom. Once registered, you will receive an e-mail confirmation which will be shortly followed by the Zoom link.