Come be equipped for service!
At Bramalea Baptist Church we follow a Safety and Abuse Awareness/Prevention policy called Plan to Protect. We strongly believe that it is our duty to do the best we can by God's grace to keep those in our community as safe as possible while they are in our building and participating in ministry here.
We are offering an opportunity for those who currently serve at BBC or who are interested in serving in any of our ministries to come to this training day. We will cover safety in our building, emergency protocols, caring for children, abuse awareness, abuse reporting, and caring for vulnerable adults.
Overall, we aim to equip you for service here at BBC and the places ministry here may take you. Whether you have an interest in working with children or youth, our library, with our seniors or in any of our front line ministries Plan to Protect can equip you to care for the community God has placed you in.
While there is no charge for the training, we are providing snacks at a cost of $5 per person.
The entire session runs from 10:00am to 1:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there and equipping you to serve!