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Jeevan Deep is our ministry to South Asian people of Sikh, Hindu, and Muslim backgrounds. One of the most important gatherings in the year to connect with these communities is through our Christmas dinner. children’s drama, testimonies, games and Christmas carols in Hindi and English.

This year, we are having the Christmas gathering on Saturday, December 21 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm in the North Auditorium.  The dinner includes non-vegetarian or vegetarian options.

We invite you to bring South Asian non-Christian friends by inviting them to come with you.  Tickets are $10 each and you pay for your ticket and those of your invitees.  Tickets are available in the lobby and atrium on Sunday, December 1 and Sunday, December 8.  BBC congregants who would like to join would need to invite a South Asian friend.

This is a contextualized way to enable those of these faith backgrounds to understand what Christmas is about and to hear the Gospel in a way they can appreciate.